
Friday, 17 May 2019

This week we have been trying to increase how many minutes we are spending on steps web and my time is 248 minutes and my next goal is to get up two three hundred minutes and I have enjoyed doing steps web this week.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Who is Cooper

In Whakamanawa we have been learning how to find out information about people online and our first person that we have tried to find information about is Cooper and we had to type them in these boxes .

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

te reo moāri assesment

 For te reo moāri we have done a sort of assessment you had to move the objects to the correct picture and the ones in the gree are the ones you got correct. 
My next step is to try and learn them all. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2019


for maths we have done prototec and seeing how high we can get our percentage and so far i have got fifty five percent and my goal is  to  try and get one hundred percent and i think i have done well

Friday, 3 May 2019

 In whakamana we have have been learning about each other's cultures and this is about me and where i come from
for values we have been thinking about our personal goals and this was my personal goal
for our class expectation we did what we do  before school and these are my ideas of what we do before school
 For mindfulness we have been learning about gratitude so we decided that we would do gratitude  bubbles we had to say things we are grateful for

Thursday, 2 May 2019

 steps web term two

For week one term two we have been trying to improve and so far i have done  fourty eight minutes but I am still trying to get one hundred percent accuracy
that is another one  of my goals but for me I think I have made an improvement. 


Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Dancing like the stars lesson one

dance  lesson one 

For the very first lesson of dancing like the stars  we met shawn who taught us some dance moves and we were absolutely  perfect
and we learnt twenty five seconds  of the song but before that we had to warm up and then we danced the next lesson will be on friday 
and it will be a lot longer  and we will learn some more and maybe some different types of dancing and we will be performing in isaac theater when we a finished all the lessons but for me I really enjoyed it .